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Sukkot 2024

The Lulav (palm branch with myrtle and willow) and Etrog(citron) are symbols of the holiday and an important part of the Festival's observance.  During this year of Holidays at Home, we hope that many families will have Lulav and Etrog for their at home Sukkot Festival celebration.

Each deluxe set of Lulav and Etrog is $55 and must be pre-ordered by 12:00 PM on Friday,  September 20th.  You can pay with credit or debit card or by E-check.  

Pre-ordered Lulav and Etrog will be available for pick-up at Congregation Beth Shalom on Tuesday, October 15th, and Wednesday, October 16th between 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM. All Lulavim will be pre-assembled for your convenience. 
All orders are due by Friday, September 20th,  we cannot accommodate late orders.

If you have questions, please contact Lisa Weisner at 847-498-4100x29 or email
Number of Lulav / Etrog sets  $55 each


Schach is used to cover the top of a Sukkah. According to our tradition, the roof of a Sukkah should consist of branches of trees, detached from the trunk, sparsely spread over so that the stars may be seen through them.

Each bundle of Schach is $35 and must be pre-ordered by 12:00 PM on Friday, September 20th. The average Sukkah uses between three and five bundles. You can pay with credit or debit card or by E-check. 

Pre-ordered Schach will be available for pick-up at Congregation Beth Shalom on Tuesday, October 15th, and Wednesday, September 16th between 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM. The bundles will be located along the fence on the west side of the main entrance.

All orders are due by Friday, September 20th, we cannot accommodate late orders.

If you have questions, please contact Lisa Weisner at 847-498-4100x129 or email
Number of bundles of Schach   $35 each
Email address for confirmation
All orders must be paid in full and are not refundable.
Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784