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Yom Kippur Appeal 5785/2024

Please log in to your MyCBS account before making your pledge. 
Thank you for your continued support of CBS throughout the year. The money raised during our annual Yom Kippur appeal is critical to our annual operations. 

You have the option to:
  • Pay now, or
  • Pledge now, then send in payment
If you submit this form online, please do NOT submit your pledge card at services.
Please note apartment or unit number 
If you donated last year (July 23-June 24)(only visible if you are logged in to your MyCBS account)

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If you are a new donor:

Enter your pledge amount above.  
Please do not duplicate any amount that is in the pledge box on the left side of this form
On the next screen, you can choose to:
  • Pay now, or
  • Pledge now, then send in payment
Mon, February 10 2025 12 Shevat 5785